Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blessings from Simply Enjoy Photography...

This project started with a book, one hook and a ball of yarn....we have come a long way, but not on our own.  God has placed people in this project that have taken it to the next level...he has blessed me with such amazingly talented friends with generous hearts!!  This month Simply Enjoy Photography is blessing the Abbey Project with a wonderful opportunity:
What:  $10 sitting fee/person to benefit The Abbey Project
            20% of all print sales from each session also go to The Abbey Project

When: Wednesdays and Friday in February

Where: Simply Enjoy Photography’s new studio

Do you need some Valentine's Day gifts, updated head shots, you've been putting off getting photos of your kids taken, or you just want some new ones? Well NOW'S the time to change that and get those photos done! Call or e-mail simplyenjoyphotography@gmail.com today to make an appointment or with questions.
Please check out her blog with more information...she has said that if your session is before February 7th you will be able to get your photos by Valentine's Day!  What a deal!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Simply Enjoy is so generous! And the photography is great!
